Document Type : Research


PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University


Understanding the formation and the stages of progress of Arabic fiction literature and the factors affecting its progress requires detailed and comprehensive research, as its geographical and historical and thematic broadness makes its realization difficult. Therefore, each of the various books written on the subject has met part of the researchers' needs. In the meantime, it is necessary to mention different approaches to criticism in the researchers' analysis, because each of them has sought to adapt his approach in his analysis. Evaluating the al-Revayah al-Arabiah book written by Roger Allen indicated that the author used a historical-criticism approach in editing the book. The political and social situation of Arab countries in the twentieth century was first investigated, and then by presenting fictional examples the author attempted to explain the reading of these texts of situations. The challenge that faces the book is failure to follow a systematic approach in text analysis, which has made this book only partially responsive to the needs of scholars in the field of Arabic novel and therefore it cannot be introduced as a complete reference.


Main Subjects

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