Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor in Philosophy, Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch, Tehran, Iran


The logical positivism was the name of radical empiricism that was formed in Viena  by the inspiration of persons like Hume, Russell, Witgenstein and others in 1920 and then entered into England by Ayer via  his The language, True and Logic book.The main claim of this philosophical movement is to exclude metaphysics as a kind of knowledge. Spokesmen and agents of this school of thinking who accepted Hume’s division of propositions into Analytic and synthetical, believed that not only metaphysics but also theology and morals cannot be counted as scientific mental actions. Translating some articles, the writer of logical positivism has tried to represents and criticize its main doctrines like verifiability.


Main Subjects

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مگی ب (1374) مردان اندیشه ، مترجم: عزت­الله فولادوند، تهران، طرح نو.
هوسرل ا (1381) تأملات دکارتی، مترجم: عبدالکریم رشیدیان، تهران، نشر نی.
Kant. I (1998). Critique of  Pure Reason.translated  and  edited by Paul Guyer & Allen w. Wood.Cambridge  University Press.