Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor, PhD of Translation Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Yazd University


Translation Criticism is one of the main branches of applied translation studies and human translation evaluation is a subset of translation criticism. In the evaluation, the critic's focus is more on the finding errors, which is called a quantitative critique, but in a comprehensive critique, the qualitative and hypertext aspects are also considered. It is very sensitive and important to present the first translation of the works of an influential writer. Mohammad Taghi Ghiasi, is one of the renowned translators who has translated three books of the twenty-volume collection of Rougon-Macquart. The only available translations of three books of The EarthLa Curée and The Fortune of the Rougons belong to Ghiasi. In this essay, after an introduction about assessment criteria for translation and its differentiation with evaluation, we have a general look at Ghiasi translations of Zola’s works. The writer is trying to explore the translator’s approach and attitude by highlighting the repeated and common features in all three books.


Main Subjects

زولا، امیل (1361 الف)، زمین، ترجمة محمدتقی غیاثی، تهران: نیلوفر.
زولا، امیل (1361 ب)، دارایی خانوادة روگن، ترجمة محمدتقی غیاثی، تهران: نیلوفر.
زولا، امیل (1362)، سهم سگان شکاری، ترجمة محمدتقی غیاثی، تهران: نیلوفر.
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«گفت‌وگو با محمدتقی غیاثی» (3 خرداد ۱۳۹۵)، روزنامۀ شرق، ش ۲۵۸۹.
Berman, Antoine (1995), Pour une critque des traductions: John Donne, Paris: Gallimard.
Berman, Antoine (1999), La traduction et la lettre ou l'auberge du lointain, Paris: Seuil.
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Holmes, James (1972), “The Name and Nature of Translation Studies”, Third International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Copenhagen.
Larose, Robert (1998), “Méthodologie de l'évaluation des traductions”, Meta, vol. 432, Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
Zola, Emile (2014 a), La Curée, Saint Julien en Genevois: Arvensa Editions.
Zola, Emile (2014 b), La Fortune des Rougon, Saint Julien en Genevois: Arvensa Editions.
Zola, Emile (2014 c), La Terre, Saint Julien en Genevois: Arvensa Editions.