Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


The book entitled Against Method 1 was influenced by Blaikie and Newman's thoughts. The focus of the book is on the basis of ontology, epistemology, and the value of research paradigms (five paradigms of positivism, interpretivism, critical paradigm, feminism, and pragmatism). This book has an easy writing which suggests that the author of the book has a complete acquaintance with the fundamentals of qualitative research. Nevertheless, the book deals with issues such as the ambiguity of its title, the categorization of the critical and historical-comparative paradigms in general paradigm of qualitative research, the use of many construed concepts and constituents translated and not being translated into it, the inappropriateness of the data collection with the title of the book, and most importantly the lack of relevance to the research strategy. Nevertheless, the book has a main role and place in Iran's qualitative research. However, in the current situation, attention to the logic of research, emphasizing the distinction between different types of qualitative research methodology, the achievement of practical examples of valid qualitative research, and ultimately the efforts to publish scientific findings globally, are of the present necessity in qualitative research in Iran.


Main Subjects

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