Document Type : Research


Associate Prof, University of Zanjan


In recent decades, lots of introductory books were written on the subject of Ethics and Morality in English and in other languages as well. These books help students get familiarized with this subject, but most of them are not comprehensive, and they only focus on some issues, especially normative ethics, and on some issues in Applied Ethics. The shortage of good textbook in the philosophy of Ethics and Morality is much more obvious in Persian, and there is no comprehensive book available in the subject that satisfies the academic criteria. One of the introductory books, but comprehensive, is “Ethics: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy” compiled by Noel Stewart. In this book, the main fields of ethics (metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics) are discussed. The unique and conspicuous features of this book is its cohesion, comprehensiveness in arguments and discussions, critically assessment of arguments, brevity and clearness. So, it is a comprehensive and cohesive textbook for researchers to use in the field of moral philosophy. In this paper, having introduced the content of the book in detail, the advantages and disadvantages of the book will be studied technically and by content analysis.


Main Subjects

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