Document Type : Research


Associate Prof, Department of Philosophy, University of Tabriz


 Emphasizing on the necessity of acquiring knowledge on the soul is common to all schools and religions. Psychology is an important part of the Philosophical Systems for many philosophers which to some extent belongs to Physics and from some aspects belongs to Theology (Metaphysics). A great deal of philosophical literature from the time of Plato and Aristotle to the modern times has been devoted to this subject. In the Book of Healing, actually, Avicenna, followed Aristotle in discussing Psychology as a branch of Physics (Natural sciences). The book titled: The Explanation of the Healing of the Soul written by professor Davood Samadi Amoli is a highly academic, elegant, and educational book on Persian translation, Arabic syntax, philosophical terminology and an explanation of the Book of Healing by Avicenna. However, this book also has some disadvantages which will be mentioned in this paper. The most important shortcoming of the book is that it does not follow the styles of Peripatetic and Avicennism philosophers.


Main Subjects

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