Document Type : Research


Ph. D. of Comparative Philosophy, Shahid Motahhari University


The history of contemporary Islamic philosophy has a different situation in relation to the past. Its influencing from the other epistemic areas, especially the Western philosophy as well as facing new discourse issues have caused various parts of this episode of Islamic philosophy history to be distinct from the other parts since Al-Farabi period. Mohammad Fanaie Eshkevari has tried to study and interpret this approach in his book titled: An Introduction to the Contemporary Islamic Philosophy through a historical narrative. An attempt to explain the issues and the intellectual approaches of Muslim thinkers in the Seminary and university were the main motivations for writing this book. The fact that each one of these thinkers has had what a special role in extracting the issues out of the Islamic philosophy and its adaptation to the current state of thought in Iran shows that the author of the book seeks to find the imperatives of the contemporary history of the Islamic Philosophy. The basis of a historical perspective in An Introduction to the Contemporary Islamic Philosophy has been neglected and it is not clear that from which point of view the history of the contemporary Islamic philosophy has been studied.


Main Subjects

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