Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University


Chapters of Kelk-e Khiyal-Angiz (Ney Publication: 2014) by AbolfazlHorri are devoted to “Theory of Literary Genres”, “fantasy and fantastic”, “uncanny in psychology and literature”, “structural approach to fantastic” and “poetics of fantastic literature, miracles and marvels in practice”. Examples of critical data include Faraj-e Ba’dazSheddatHaft PeykarArabian Nights‘jayeb-name and stories of Sūrat al-Kahf. The main approach of the author is TzvetanTodorov approach in The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre. In a general evaluation, the book has some problems: using Western theory in Persian traditional stories without any modification is not so useful, and borders of different genres have not been specified, selected cases have been chosen unreasonably. Some problems have been seen in the story analysis and some examples are not in accordance with the approach. A few terms have been translated wrongly. Moreover, sometimes there are some simple editing problems, for instance redundancy, circumlocution, and repeating make reading difficult. General and obvious results are more than needed.  Referential system and bibliography have some problems as well.  Above all, sometimes translated texts have been used instead of writing.


Main Subjects

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