
Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan


The book "Analytical Approach to Rhetoric" is one of the recently-published scholarly textbooks in the field of rhetoric that, while relying on the basics of traditional rhetoric, has attempted to use new approaches in this field as well. Moreover, the critical aspect and the approach of this book to review the most prevalent issues in the field of rhetoric, which have been stated in previous sources as well as its attempt to provide a detailed investigation of some of them, absolutely justify the title of this book. The shortcomings of this book are categorized into general and specific ones. The general ones include some problems such as print mistakes and typos, the lack of literature review and the method of referencing and bibliography whereas the specific ones comprise those flaws which appeared in relation to the subject and structure of this book. There are some cases like improper selection of evidence and misreading of them that sometimes have led to false analysis and recognition of rhetorical principles. In this critique, the weak coherence of the book in managing the discussion as well as evidence and categorizing the content has been pointed out, and also its mundane verbosity and unnecessary brevity has been discussed.


Main Subjects

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