Document Type : Research


Associate Professor of Persian Literature and Literature, University of Tehran


Doing studies about the king of speech “Sa’di” is highly respected and the greater they are the greater happiness they make. Atash-e-Parsi is one of these studies on Sa’di`s life and poems. Seeing Sa’di’s name in the first step, makes the reader smile but reading the book more seriously and thinking twice about its content, changes this early feeling little by little, besides revealing new points and facts. A fair reader will understand that the writer of the book, as a Shiite Muslim, has used the SA’DI Collected Works as well as a collection of other historic, religious, mystical, literary, and other references to show a personality of Sa’di based on his own personal thoughts and beliefs. He has also tried to reconstruct the real life of the poet using his romantic Ghazals, which are a product of a unique moment. As a result, reading this book makes hundreds of questions in the readers’ mind and totally confuses them. They mainly have complaints about the periphrasis, incorrect inference, repetition, and the irregular references and wonder why the writer and the publisher did not care about their reader’s mind. considering the fact that a professional publishing institute like Ettela’at is rightly expected to pay much more attention to judging books before publishing them.


Main Subjects

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