Document Type : Research


Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Kharazmi University


Today, comparative literature has a special place in various literary disciplines and has played an indelible role in expressing relationships, acting and reacting between them. In addition, by showing the strengths and weaknesses of each, the richness of the literature of nations has also been brought. The book "Al-adab-Almoqaran Fi-Alderasat Almoqaranat Altatbiqiaat", by Dawood Salum, is a writing paper in the field of comparative literature that attempts to present a brief description of the theories and schools of comparative literature, which is a fairly significant volume of Arabic and non-Arabic cultural and literary works. It also shows the impact of comparative literature so as to reveal the backgrounds, attributes, and effects of each type of comparative literature. The present paper aims to introduce this work, present its weaknesses and strengths through a descriptive-analytic way. The results show that the book, while partially successful in achieving some of its goals, faces shortcomings and challenges.


Main Subjects

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