Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Alzahra University


 Contemporary compositions as history of literature and biography books are very important in introducing literary figures and their literary styles and can be considered as reference books for researchers. Therefore, their contents should be readily compiled by the necessary structural and contextual components. This article, by reviewing these components in one of the works of Al-Ashmawi, a leading Egyptian professor in the field of literary critique, intends to carefully consider the form and content of the book a'a'lam ala'db ala'rbi alhdith watjahathm alfniah. In this regard, through descriptive-analytical method, it clarifies the effectiveness of this work as an educational book for Arabic literature students and researchers. Despite the achievements of this work on the basis of the special critical approach of Al-Ashmawi regarding the importance of personal experience and the chimerical analysis in literary criticism, as well as the discussion including four important areas of literature, this book has some deficiencies in the case of its structural and contextual components, the most important of which include the limited number of references, lack of referencing and lack of formal comprehensiveness, especially lack of having a list of references at the end of book; hence, it cannot be considered as a comprehensive reference among the main reference of Arabic language and literature curriculum.


Main Subjects

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