Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Qom University


The present article reviews and criticizes the book “al-'Adb al-Mesri Fi zill al-hokm al-ottoman” written by Mohammad Seyyed Kiliani, a contemporary Egyptian writer (1998-1912). The method of work has been form and content critiques to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the book. According to the results of this research, the present book unfortunately, both in appearance and in content, suffers from major weaknesses some of which are lack of attention to the rules of writing Arabic language, the inability to use proper signs of paging, failure to comply with book chapter pages, overlap of some chapters of the book, providing unilateral and directional judgments away from the spirit of scientific discussion, lack of referencing and observance of scholarship, the existence of explanations and the presentation of non-related materials to the title of the book, inadequate explanation of some parts of the book, especially in chapters five and six, lack of a list of references, weaknesses in analysis and concealment of the scientific character of the writer. According to the abovementioned critiques, the book does not deserve to be used as a source of study in the history of Ottoman literature, but it can be suggested as a source for studying and critique for graduate students.


Main Subjects

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