Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran

2 PhD Student of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Literal or word by word translation of literary works especially translation of those literary men that state philosophic, religious thoughts in their works, has always created some difficulties and challenges. Some of these challenges that we can point out are some elements that are in the surface structure, finding synonyms, and all kinds of literal translation from those texts. Jibran Khalil Jibran’s "Albadae'e wa altaraef" focuses on various types of life, views, and social events and with his philosophical opinions, he speaks about his ideas. The researcher, using a qualitative method, tries to analyze Simin Panahi Fard’s translation of this book entitled "New and Wonder Thought" at the level of lexical and sentence equivalency, from the form and meaning points of view. The researcher has tried to give some solutions in order to generally improve the qualitative level of the translation and specially translation of this work. The result of the research shows that the translator has tried to have a loyal literal translation or word by words toward the structure of the origin text, which has caused the structure of many Arabic sentences to move to Persian language; as a  result, heterogeneity in the structure of these sentences and improper constructions make ambiguities in the text. Sometimes this translated book has faced some challenges to find suitable equivalents for the technical vocabulary and expressions. 


Main Subjects

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