Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Isfahan


Due to the importance of scientific and literary criticism in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of various writings, it may be argued that the value of the critique of works is not valuable than the works themselves. Therefore,  the current study  intends to study the book entitled Stylistic structures a Study in Modern Arabic Poetry by Kamaj Abde Al-rrazzagh Al- ojaili. The form and content critiques of the book are considered.  There are some typographical and typographical errors, generality of the subject, not referring to the background of the research , providing some content regardless of statistics, disappointing titles. Besides, the statistical community is very large that prevents accurate and in-depth analysis. Though we should not be distracted that the book has a lot of merits including reviewing and analyzing the views of others, innovation to adapt a new perspective on poetic texts, providing precise definition of the terms of the research, avoiding the expression of external and non-related topics, avoiding repeating the material, and providing precise references, relevant documentation, and resources.    


Main Subjects

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