Document Type : Research


Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Guilan


Literary criticism has been considered as one of the branches of research in the field of literature for a long time and has always been used as a method for analyzing, evaluating, and correcting literary texts. This branch of human knowledge nowadays, in view of the breadth and variety of literary productions, requires the use of most scientific findings to strengthen its ability and ability to perform its tasks. It is also noteworthy that these works are also subject to critique and evaluation from time to time. In this regard, the present paper seeks to examine a critique of Arabic language and literature with an analytical-critical reading. The book “Research in Contemporary Arabic Literature” by Mohammad Mostafa Hadara, is a book that has been considered in this article, while presenting a brief account of the contents of the book, we should mention the positions of strength and weakness in two categories of form and content. The results show that the book contains useful information and is well versed in considering two parts of poetry and prose, but it seems that due to the lack of a scientific method in criticizing and not following some principles accepted in this area, it is suggested that some some fundamental changes be made 


Main Subjects

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