Document Type : Research


1 Faculty Member of University of Kurdistan

2 PhD of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran


The pathology of various academic disciplines is one of the missions of the educated in any educational system, and its importance is not realized except with a critical attitude and based on the critical look of that knowledge system. So, Arabic language and literature is no exception in this regard and the damage and weaknesses in its educational structure have caused uncertainty and quantitative and qualitative loss of students and to some extent, professors. The centerpiece of this essay is the concept of the "world Life" of Edmund Husserl, the founder of the phenomenological method. The world-life is the real life of human subjects, which should be based on human knowledge, and the basis of “knowledge-Life”. The following attempt tries to analyze and describe the problem of the loss of students in Arabic language and literature due to the distinction in the life-world horizons, based on the theoretical achievements of Edward Husserl’s phenomenological philosopher. That is, awareness and understanding of the educators in this field with the knowledge and understanding of the contemporary world environment have the fundamentals of distinction and differentiation. It is also due to the fact that with that kind of knowledge, the possibility of perceiving, interacting, and identifying with the real world of life is lost to them. From the results of this paper, there is the explanation of basic distinction between the life-world governing the discipline of Arabic language and literature and the life-world in which we live. In this way the harm that is rooted in the foundation of consciousness is understood, and actions are taken to resolve and reform it. Among these reforms, there is a horizontal opening in the direction to intercourse of the education of academic achievement in this field, which modern studies emphasize.


Main Subjects

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