Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Iran

2 MA Student of Arabic Language and Literature, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


The many differences between Kufi’s and Basri’s schools in Arabic grammar (al-Nah’w) , just like the situation of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiq’h) and Islamic Theology (Kalam), ended up in establishing a knowledge of grammar, namely “Principles of Grammar” (al-Usoul fi al-Nah’w) or “Principles of Grammar” (al-Nah’w) by which researchers are able to recognize grammatical rules. Ibn Sarraj is one of these scholars whose book entitled, “al-Usoul Fi al-Nah’w” (The Principles of Grammar), deals with this knowledge. Details and descriptions of parts and chapters of the book can prove his deep knowledge in the knowledge of grammar, and to the extent, in principles of grammar. Deploying an analytic-descriptive method, this paper studies the Ibn Sarraj’s method in his book. Main results of this study show that this book benefits from coherent and consistent order and division in which Ibn Sarraj advanced new doctrines as well as integrating both Kufi’s and Basri’s schools in a suitable way. In employing existent doctrines, he avoided following the footprints of predecessors but rather he tried to advance their opinions by adding new doctrines. The importance of this study is that there is not any study in Persian about Ibn Sarraj or his book. It is also significant in that knowledge of grammar in recent years needs new studies by researchers of the field needs.


Main Subjects

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