Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Farhanghiyan

2 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Quranic Science and Education - Qom


Evaluation and critique of textbooks to make changes in the field of education are inevitable in order to help the owners of scientific works to improve their shortcomings. Accordingly, the present paper criticizes the book "Types of Arabic Poetry and Its Evolution", by Khalil Parvini and Seyyed Fazlullah Ghaderi, from two aspects of form and content to explain its strengths and weaknesses. One of the most important benefits of this work is the novelty of the design and the manner of operation and the presentation of research topics. The most important disadvantages, however, include abundance of writing, non-compliance with the style of the Persian literary academy, and lack of font and layout of the book which should be reviewed and revised. In terms of content, there are also many problems, including lack of coherence in some topics from the perspective of the research method, lack of observance of the logical sequence in the content, lack of consideration of the evolution of issues in some historical periods, including the Andalusian period, and lack of primary references.


Main Subjects

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