Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


The Psychological Method in New Critique: A Case Study of Egyptian Criminals written by Dr. Mosa Abdul Rahman Bassam Qattoos is an attempt to study the emergence of one of the most modern literary criticisms in Egypt, a psychological way of thinking that is of critical importance both to the theoretical and to the comparative level, as a method of psychology.  This book is one of the series of books selected for proper content and useful materials in the field of psychological critique for review and critique. In this short paper, we have examined the content of the article in a descriptive-analytical manner and highlighted its strengths and deficiencies in order to reconsider this critique. The results of this critique can be useful for those psychoanalytic researchers to do their best to improve the quality of critiques. it. In sum, we came to the conclusion that the book was somewhat successful in terms of expressing the theoretical content of psychological critique and providing the necessary generalizations about the types of Egyptian critics’ stances against psychological critique and the three-stage review and critique of three books on psychological critique, although it is not free of defects.


Main Subjects

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