Document Type : Research


Professor, Tarbiat Modares University


Abdul Malik Mortaz, Algerian scholar, is one of the few scholars, trying to organize the discourse of contemporary criticism Arabic and creating its structure based on the valuable heritage of ancient Arabic critique. Without narrative, it is impossible to understand a large part of Arabic prose today; therefore, it is important to achieve an educational book that has a systematic approach. The publication of the book “In the Theory of the Novel” in 1998, was a profound exploration of narrative techniques that showed a new and harmonious way in the theory and analysis of story discourse, with a critical view of Western narrative theory, for analyzing the underlying foundations of the story, and based on the ancient heritage of the Arabic story. The present paper aims to find out whether the author of this book been victorious in presenting a systematic exploration of the story and its localization. The quantitative and qualitative analyses of this book show that the discourse of the story was based on the ancient Arabic heritage and the modern narrative of the West, and has succeeded in making equivalent terms in the critique of the story, so that this book can be offered for the contemporary Arabic prose in PhD course of Arabic Language and Literature at universities of Iran.


Main Subjects

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