Document Type : Research


Professor of Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


The present paper includes the introduction and critique of the book: An Approach to Philosophy of Al-Farabi as a Detachment of Greek Philosophy Tradition. The author of the book intends to highlight the fundamental and axial innovations of al-Farabi in the revival of philosophy at his time to explain how to distinguish the system of Islamic philosophy from the Greek tradition. The most important claim of the author is to explain the philosophy of Islam based on three principles: a..Determining its subject as “existence”, not “existent” b. Understanding the existence of the knowledge bin the scenes of presence c. The distinction between essence and existence. Thus, he believes that Farabi, through his existential view, was able to restore the essential role of existence versus the essence and quiddity. The book also addresses the linguistic and epistemological approach of Farabi’ as well as the introduction of al-Huruf book in the same direction, as well as his invention in transferring nine pares logic into two parts logic. From the perspective of the author of this paper, despite the importance of the aforementioned claim i.e., the establishment of a philosophy of Islam centered on the existence by al-Farabi, the reasons and pieces of evidence which are used in the book in order to prove that claim is necessary but not sufficient. Approximately 10 critical reviews have been done in the article on the contents and claims of the book.


Main Subjects

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