Document Type : Research
Assistant Professor of Comparative Philosophy, Research Institute of Culture, Art, and Communication
In Schopenhauer’s Philosophy, in addition to expressing Schopenhauer’s views and ideas, Magee devotes a chapter to addressing the misunderstanding of the concept of “will” and “noumenon” in Schopenhauer’s philosophy. In this article, we decided to review and criticize this book written by Bryan Magee and translated by Reza Vali Yari. So, first, we briefly introduce the book. After a critical review of the book, we came to the conclusion that the English philosopher Bryan Magee, an expert and exponent of Schopenhauer’s work, was able to present a book that was easy to understand, fluent, complete, and yet expert on Schopenhauer’s ideas and theories. In addition, he has shown the influence that Schopenhauer has had on philosophers, thinkers, and artists. The translator, who is an expert in translating Schopenhauer’s work, has been able to provide a plausible, fluent, and acceptable translation of this book; of course, there is little criticism of the author in terms of content and the quality of translation that we have mentioned and can be considered in the next edition of the book. There are also many editing problems in the translation of this book that have made editing necessary in subsequent editions.
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