Document Type : Research


1 PhD in Philosophy and Kalam, University of Tehran, Iran

2 .Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


“Philosophy of Superstitions” has been authored as a work of second-order knowledge and philosophical perspective concerning the conceptual explanation and identification of different types of superstition, causes of human tendency towards superstitions and the method of battle with this problem. The mode of discussion of Professor Yasrebi of this issue bespeaks of his deep concerns of superstition particularly in its social aspect, but the author in the chapters of this work, instead of strengthening the philosophical perspective of the outlines of this problem, after a short review of the basic notions, turns to the extensions. Meanwhile, the most important problem is concerned with the “definition of superstition”. The distinguishing feature of the superstition as compared to other beliefs, its failure of consistency with rational foundations and drawn logical rules. Without paying attention to different applications of “reas” and requirements of thinking, Yasrebi considers rationality to have a unique condition in all times and spaces. Thus, he does not tolerate the relativity of the extensions of superstition in different societies and ages. Unfortunately, side effects of this great mistake can be seen in his explanation of the causes of the tendency towards superstition and its cure.


Main Subjects

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