Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of French Language and Literature, French Language and Literature Department, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran


The purpose of this article is to study the question of rhythm in the Persian translations of the work of Christian Bobin, presented by Mahvash Ghavimi. In Bobin’s writings, we meet people who seek happiness, but instead of fighting problems and changing conditions, they accept life as it is. After presenting the thought that Bobin confides to his readers in a simple and fluid style, we approach the question of rhythm as it is treated in the writings of Henri Meschonnic, a French translator. According to him, every text has its own rhythm which plays a crucial role in its significance. The translator must discover the factors involved in the significance of the text and recreate them in the translated text. We are then interested in studying the translation of two books of Bobin, entitled Geai and Isabelle Bruges, to see how the translator overcame the problems of recreating the rhythm.


Main Subjects

بوبن، کریستیان (1373)، ستایش هیچ: تأملی در عشق و زندگی، ترجمة پرویز سیار، تهران: گفتار.
بوبن، کریستیان (1374)، چهرة دیگر، ترجمة پرویز سیار، تهران: گفتار.
بوبن، کریستیان (1390)، ایزابل بروژ، ترجمة مهوش قویمی، تهران: آشیان.
بوبن، کریستیان (1398)، ابله محله، ترجمة مهوش قویمی، تهران: آشیان.
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