Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor, Department of Spanish, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran


Despite all the valuable efforts made in the field of translation studies in Iran, there are still quite a few tangible gaps. The academic literature, usually consisting of a theoretical and a practical part, instead of establishing the role and responsibility of a translator as an agent who is in continuous interaction with the society, often tends to approach language as a non-social and abstract matter. As a result, translators trained in this educational system have an abstract perception of themselves and of the translation process. This article analyzes the theoretical part of the books “A Prologue to the Bases and Techniques of Translation” by Kazem Lotfipour Saedi and “Literary Translation” by Ali Akbar Aghili Ashtiani as two of the books in translation teaching that are used as academic references in Iranian universities, and studies the concordance of the theoretical part of the named books with contemporary approaches in teaching translation.


Main Subjects

حدادی، محمود (۱۳۷۰)، مبانی ترجمه، تهران: جمال‌الحق.
حقانی، نادر (۱۳۸۶)، نظرها و نظریه‌های ترجمه، تهران: امیرکبیر.
عقیلی‌ آشتیانی، علی‌اکبر (1382)، ترجمۀ متون ادبی، تهران: ره‌نما.
کبیری، قاسم (1374)، اصول و روش ترجمه، تهران: ره‌نما.
لطفی‌پور ساعدی، کاظم (1371)، درآمدی بر اصول و روش ترجمه، تهران: مرکز نشر دانشگاهی.
لطفی‌پور ساعدی، کاظم (1382)، درآمدی بر اصول و روش ترجمه، تهران: دانشگاه پیام نور.
Bassnett, Susan (2002(, Translation Studies, London and Nueva York: Routledge.
Bassnett, Susan and Trivedi Harish (eds.)) 1999(, Postcolonial Tranlation: Theory and Practice, London and Nueva York: Routledge.
Newmark, Peter (1981), Approaches to Translation, Oxford and NewYork: Pergamon.
Nida, Eugene (1964), Toward a Science of Translating, Leiden: E. J. Brill.
Schleiermacher, Freidrich (ed.) (2004), On the Different Method of Translating, in The Translation Studies Reader, Lowrence Venuti (ed.), 2nd Edition, London and New York: Routledge.
Steiner, George (1998), After Babel, Aspect of Language and Translation, 3nd Edition, London, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
Tytler, Alexandre Fraser (Lord Woodhouslee) (2004), Essay on the Principles of Translation, London: J. M. Dent & Co.
Vidal Claramonte Africa (1998), Madrid: Elección Novatores.