Document Type : Research



The book, French Grammar, translated and compiled by a researcher, who have successfully created a work which can be considered as a reference book for the people familiar with French language. Having a complete command of the subject, this author translator has divided the contents of his research into a balanced order of chapters; within each of the chapters he has brought French sentences with minute translation of them together with their specific expressions as well. In all cases it is tried to present the meaning through simple sentences. Among his attempts, I can refer to the emphasis on French alphabet, gender of nouns, articles, nouns of plurality, irregular and regular verbs, object nouns and their agreement. In this study, we try to show that despite limited sources for this translation, the translator has been able to prepare a well-formed and useful grammar, and present the French grammar with modern examples and necessary explanations, for the interested people at secondary level. Therefore, to point out the real value of the work, at the beginning of this article we have considered the present status of this grammar in comparison with former grammars.


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