Document Type : Research



We live in a world where the pace of life it is great to have around in such a way that every day inventions and new discoveries are made and the subsequent methods and Practices are also changing. In such a world where every day is different from the day before, adapting and Adjusting to it, along with science and Academic achievements and eyes shut and Ignorance, backwardness, naturally, the couple said. Language of the creatures is one of the categories and the content and Themes and Even its shape is consistent with the present Otherwise rehash and Handful of information and rather old and Old No performance will be. Arabic is not the exception to the rule since the traditional form of teaching is the field, must change Changes in curriculum and methods of rats be discouraged from students and wave the consequences are not irreversible.
This paper is referred to in other emerging fields of foreign languages, some headlines and the new approach is proposed, which is to update and the use of Arabic literature can help.


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