Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor in Ancient Iranian Languages, Department of Iranian Languages and Dialects, The Academy of Persian Language and Literature, Tehran, Iran


"The Dictionary of Tun (Ferdows) Dialect" is a book about one of the Iranian dialects that is common in Khorasan province. This book is the result of several years of cooperation between Mohammad Jafar Yahaghi, Rahmatullah Abrishami and Ahmad Armaghani. Of course, the scientific compilation and preparation of this work for publication has been the responsibility of  Yahaghi. In this book, common words in the dialect of Tun have been collected and documented. In compiling this book, as its name implies, Yahaghi has only considered the words of this dialect and has refrained from addressing the grammatical features of this dialect. Of course, there is little information about grammatical features in the book's introduction. Although this book is essential and valuable in terms of collecting and documenting words of one of the common linguistic varieties in Khorasan, the author has not acted following the scientific methods common in reporting dialects, therefore using valuable lexical data of this book is not easy for researchers. In this paper, I examine the words collected in this book and the method of compiling them.


Main Subjects

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