Document Type : Research


Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch, Ilam, Iran


The child's literature must teach the audience the best thoughts and the most ideal goals and concepts in a pleasant way. Poetry, as a part of child's literature, is a good tool for this purpose due to its listening pleasure and extraordinary capacity. This article has been compiled to express the content and structural disorders of the poems of six Persian books in the elementary period. The study results show that the lyrics' theme is more a repetition of naturalism and epic regardless of the message. The presence of some authors in different foundations, repeated use of a poet's poems, repetition of themes, repetition in the format and music of poems, lack of attention to the different needs of students, writing flaws, lack of awareness of the overall development of the child, etc. are a set of factors described in this article. This applied research, using the descriptive-analytical method, examines the order of texts of elementary school textbooks. The content unit is context. The statistical population includes Persian books (read) from the first to the sixth grade of elementary school, and statistical samples are parts of Persian books from elementary school that are in the form of verse. The method of collecting information, documents and bookshops is a question that this research has raised in the idea of answering the problems of a part of the Persian book that explains the shortcomings.


Main Subjects

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