Document Type : Research
1 Graduated Master of Cinema, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2 Associate Professor, Department of cinema, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
The book "The TV Production Handbook" aims to introduce students to digital technologies for producing TV programs and also the presentation of the specific aesthetic of this medium for influencing audiences. In this regard, we confront explanations about technical facilities and how to use them, regarding qualitative analysis method for reviewing and analyzing the book "The TV Production Handbook", and, along with the use of theories of McClellan and Baudrillard in media criticism. Regarding this analysis, the important point is that for the invitation of the audience, and presentation of formal elements to influence, his choice for interpretation is restricted. His deprivation of possible alternatives in the visible image is an ideological aspect of the TV program. Standardization in choosing the visual form of programs and avoiding visual innovations in choosing the shot sizes, camera angle, etc. This can be called depriving the audience of their freedom to interpret the program.
Main Subjects