Document Type : Research



Khaqani Shervani is one of the renowned poets of the sixth century, who outstripped many other poets in saying complicated poems by using an intricate technical style as well as citing many scientific, religious, historical, mythological terms and folk beliefs in his poems. That is why many of Khaqanischolars have attempted to reveal some hidden mysteries of his poems in addition to editing his Divan. By explaining full verses or a selection of them, they have tried to help researcherswith Khaqani’s poems. Exegesis of Khaqani's Divan by Dr. Mohammadreza Barzegar Khaleqi is one of the mentioned efforts. In his work, Dr. Barzegar Khaleqi, with an access to a huge collection of scholarly works on Khaqaniincluding descriptions, books, excerpts, and essays, has described 50 odes of Khaqani’s Divan. Despite all the admirable attempts of the exegete, this exegesis is not free of errors and defects. The present paper aims to briefly study some of these flaws.


Main Subjects

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