Volume 23 (2023)
Volume 22 (2022)
Volume 21 (2021)
Volume 20 (2020)
Volume 19 (2019)
Volume 18 (2018)
Volume 17 (2017)
Volume 16 (2016)
Volume 15 (2015)
Volume 14 (2014)
Volume 13 (2013)
Volume 12 (2012)
Volume 11 (2011)
Volume 10 (2010)
political science
A Critical Review of the Book “Will the Middle East Implode”

Bahram Navazeni

Volume 19, Issue 7 , September 2019, , Pages 307-328


   The book “Will the Middle East Implode”, written by Mohammed Ayoob, has tried to address the Arab Middle East in terms of the Arab Spring’s impact on the collapse and stability of the state, and believes that what is known as the Arab Spring rather than a single and coherent phenomenon, ...  Read More

political science
A Review and Critique of the Book “Theoretical Foundations of Politics in Multicultural Societies”

Mokhtar nouri; Majid Tavasoli Roknabadi

Volume 19, Issue 7 , September 2019, , Pages 329-347


  The book entitled “Theoretical Foundations of Politics in Multicultural Societies” has been written about the issue of multiculturalism and its theorizing. The question is, how should a political decision-making process be organized in a political community with different cultural, religious, ...  Read More

political science
Contrast in Methodological Approaches in Humanities and Alternative Model:Introduction and Critique of the Collection of Articles “A Pluralistic View of Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences”)

Nowruz Hashemzehi

Volume 19, Issue 7 , September 2019, , Pages 349-368


   The present paper analyzes and criticizes the collection of articles on the “Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: A pluralist Perspective” edited by Donatella Dellaporta and Michael Keating and translated by Mohammad Jafar Javidi and Majid Farham.  The author’s ...  Read More

political science
A Critical Analysis of the Military Interventions in Politics: Review of The Military and Politics

Masoud Akhavan Kazemi

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 1-20

  Frequency and continuity of military interventions in politics in different societies have led to the fact that the analysis of the interrelationships of the armed forces and the government has become one of the most important issues in political sociology studies. Military interference in politics in ...  Read More

political science
Paradox of Islamic Secularism: Review of the Book Islamic Secularism: A Critique on Muslim Intellectuals

Majid Behestani; Mohammadreza Amirzadeh

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 21-34

  Historically, after the movement of constitutionalism (Mashrouteh), secularism got engaged with Iran, but it was notattended as a problematic concern for the Iranian intellectuals. When Islamic Republic of Iran was established, everything changed and it turned into the focal point. So, many questions ...  Read More

political science
Critique and Review of Post-American World

Hossein Poorahmade Meibode; Amir Abbasi Khoshkar

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 35-54

  Post-American world book written by Fareed Zakaria focus on dimensions of political and economics of world events. Author numbered emergence of china, India and Brazil economic powers as signs of evolutions in international structure that close the sphere for America. These powers by use of internal ...  Read More

political science
Review and Critique of the Justice Theory: The Universality or Contextuality of the Principles of Justice

Majid Tavasoli Roknabadi; Mokhtar Nouri

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 55-77

  The purpose of this article is to review the book of justice theory by John Rawls, a contemporary political philosopher. An attempt will be made to introduce a critical review on the agenda. What is Rawls's main issue? What is the purpose of this work and its place in the resources available in this ...  Read More

political science
Understanding the Reality or Applying the Theory? A Critical Book Review of "Social Backgrounds of the Iran’s Revolution"

Mohammad Ali Hosseini Zadeh

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 79-102

  The Social Backgrounds of Iran’s Revolution, written by Dr. Bashiriyeh and translated by Ali Ardestani, was published by Negahe Moaaser in 1393. The author applied different theories and concepts generally with Marxist orientation to examine the causes, processes, and consequences of Iran’s ...  Read More

political science
The Analysis and Critique of Amartya Sen's Approach to Development

Seyyed Aqil Hoseiny; Seyyed Esmaeil Masoudi

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 103-125

  The main hypothesis of Amartya Sen in his famous book "Development as Freedom" is that the private freedom should be recognized for overcoming the problem of development. According to Sen's liberal approach, the freedom is both the tool and the end of development. Essentially development is the process ...  Read More

political science
A Critical Review of “Intellectuals of Iran: Despair and Hope Narrations” Intellectual Ideology in the Sociology of Intellectuals of Iran

Abbas Khalaji

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 127-144

  This paper is intended to review an academic book through a critical-analytical approach. The book, “Intellectuals of Iran: Despair and Hope Narrations”, is a sociological one written as a textbook for students of different fields of social and political sciences in Iran and in the world ...  Read More

political science
An Introduction to Criticism of the Cultural-Based Approach to Foreign Policy: A Critical Analysis of Language, Discourse and Foreign Policy

Maghsood Ranjbar

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 145-167

  This article reviews the book "Language, Discourse and Foreign Policy" by Mr. Majid Adibzadeh, considering that the author's approach is cultural and discursive, and genealogical. The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on anti-discourse discourses from the 1330s onwards. The purpose ...  Read More

political science
Examining Fiqh Aspects of the People’s Role in the Government

Hamid Sajadi; Gholam Ali Soleimani

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 169-188

  Modern political sphere in Islamic societies is based on a large body of fundamental issues such as freedom, democracy, and rule of law, all being ignored in the old political texts of Muslims. Hence, the dynamics of political jurisprudence in the complex society of today requires its systematic and ...  Read More

political science
Security in the Realm of Social Justice: From Processes to the Emergence A Critical Look at Justice and National Security

Salman Sadeghizadeh; Abdulamir Nabavi

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 189-211

  Demand for security is the second most essential human need after the physiological necessities to the life which evolves along with the metamorphoses in common life trends and processes and has gotten different aspects. In the modern age, the plaint concept - or an afloat signifier from a postmodernist ...  Read More

political science
A Review and Analysis of Dialogue: Raymond Aron and Michel Foucault, Analyse de Jean-Francois Bert (2007)

Ali Abedi Renani

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 213-234

  The present paper aims to analyze the dialogue between Raymond Aron and Michal Foucault. A description of the two thinkers’ views was presented in order to understand the context in which the dialogue was taking place. The main issue between the two figures centers on the continuity or lack of ...  Read More

political science
The Uniqueness of the Nature and the Fate of Freedom and Capitalism in the Thought of Fareed Zakaria (Review of the Book: “The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad”)

Mohammad Kamalizadeh

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 235-253

  In his book “The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad”, Fareed Zakaria believes that in order to maintain the ideal of freedom and advance it in the future, we must move towards less democracy and more liberalism. He emphasizes that the critique of "a lot of ...  Read More

political science
Translator's Tyranny: A Critical Analysis of the Book Entitled “A Consideration of the Translation of Modern Political Thought's Texts: A Case Study of Machiavell's Prince “

Shervin Moghimi; Yashar Jeirani

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 255-269

  This paper is a review of Javad Tabatabee's book titled A Consideration of the Translation of Modern Political Thought' Texts: A Case Study of Machiavell's Prince. In this book, Tabatabaee argues that two main factors of unreliable translation in the field of political philosophy are translator's ...  Read More

political science
Historiography of Neo-Roman Thought: Critical Review of Skinner’s Liberty before Liberalism

Reza Najafzadeh

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 271-291

  Quentin Skinner and a group of writers and professors of so called Cambridge School have had an undeniable role in critical rereading of history of European thought and reprinting some of the classical texts of modern political thought. Skinner, in his enormous hermeneutical studies, linking the contextualist ...  Read More

political science
ISIS:Eastern Violence and Critique of Fascistic Reason: A Critical Look at Method, Content, and the Claims

Ghadir Nasri

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 293-307

  Deliberation on thought and acts of ISIS has an strategic importance. Sources about ISIS are divided into two categories: Narrative sources and deliberative works. ISIS: Eastern Violence and Critique of Fascistic Reason written by Bachtyiar Ali (Tehran: Markaz Publisher, 2015), is a theoretical and philosophical ...  Read More

political science
A Manifest against Optimism and Self-consciousness: A Critique of the Philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer Based on the Book of "Ethics, Law, and Politics”

Reza Nasiri Hamed

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 309-328

  The book of Ethics, Law, and Politics includes the translation of the essays by famous German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. The various sections of the book encompass concrete issues that Schopenhauer has, like any other philosopher, expounded on the basis of his ontological and epistemological foundations. ...  Read More

political science
Lacanian Psychoanalysis and the Possibility of Re-invention of the Political: A Critical Review of Lacan and the Political

Aliashraf Nazari

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 329-348

  Psychological and political theories are the mission of understanding individual and collective behaviors in the context of political life. Over the past two decades, the analysis of the psychoanalytic dimensions of politics with the focus of this discussion on how to talk about the relationship between ...  Read More

political science
A Criticism and Review of the Book “Public Policy”

Morteza Noormohammadi; Amir Lotfi; Zahra Lotfi

Volume 18, Issue 6 , December 2018, , Pages 349-365

  Public Policy, written by Pierre Muller, is one of the first books on public policy that has been translated and published in Iran. Known as the science of a state in action and analyzing the public policies and also as an academic discipline, public policy has attracted the attention of experts in Iran ...  Read More

political science
The Book Review of “Perilous Power: The Middle East and US Foreign Policy”

Hassan Ahmadian

Volume 17, Issue 8 , January 2018, , Pages 1-23

  Because of its importance and effectiveness, the United States’ strategy in the Middle East has attracted regional and international actor’s attention. Challenges stemming from the US regional priorities along with differences within the US political spectrum have promoted a variety of literature. ...  Read More

political science
A Critical Review of the End of Development, Post-Developmentalism and Development Paradigm Impasse

Ghodrat Ahmadian

Volume 17, Issue 8 , January 2018, , Pages 25-46

    Development as a specific concept for scientists, politicians, and the public has some validity, so any resistance to it needs great bravery. Despite its validity and importance‚ the development paradigm envisages with many critiques and challenges‚ so the buzzword is impasse in this ...  Read More

political science
Review of the Book “Hegemony: The New Shape of Global Power”

Rasoul Afzali; Mohammad zohdi Gohar; Akbar Valizadeh

Volume 17, Issue 8 , January 2018, , Pages 47-66

  "Hegemony: A New Form of Global Power" was written by John Agnew, and it was published by "Temple University" in 2005. The importance of this book lies in the conceptualization of a new theory of hegemony. There have been three theories on the issue of hegemony so far.  Deconstructing concepts and ...  Read More

political science
A Review of "The Challenge of Modernity, the Quest for Authenticity in the Arab World "

Ahmad Biglari; Ebrahim Barzegar

Volume 17, Issue 8 , January 2018, , Pages 67-87

  The purpose of this book is to find the answer to the failure of the modernization project in the Middle East. He does this by tracing the fundamental contradictions of the culture of the region. Louay Safi reviewed the formation of the mentality of development in ideas of Descartes and Kant, ...  Read More