Document Type : Research


1 PhD Student of Political Science, Issues of Iran, Tehran South Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Tehran South Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Revolution, Institute for Contemporary History, Tehran, Iran



Critically dealing with the topic of "Iranian Ethos", in the form of stories, travelogues, etc. has always been one of the most popular and controversial topics. In the meantime, the book "Iranian Compatibility" written by Mehdi Bazargan is of particular importance for being in the middle of the works of the Qajar period (typically a travel book), with a significant number of generally sociological texts of recent years. He has The innovative approach of the book and its impact on the critical reading and self-examination of Iranians is one of the prominent and questionable points of the book, which is important in comparison with similar texts before and after it and in comparison with different periods of thought of the merchant himself. The central question of the article is whether the book "Iranian Compatibility" (which deals with the difficulty and controversial nature of Iranians) is capable of being proposed as an innovative theory in response to a real social crisis. In order to find the answer to this question, the author-centered (intentionalist) interpretation method of "Quentin Skinner" and the theoretical framework of "Thomas Spriggans" will be used so that the central goal of the research (that is, to understand the level of initiation and the place of thinking of the merchants, in relation to the anthropological style of Iranians) can be revealed as well as possible. The findings and results of this research show that Bazargan's idea in summarizing the Iranian spirit and temperament, despite all the criticisms on it, was still the source of inspiration or in line with the scientific action of other theoreticians.


Main Subjects

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