Volume 23 (2023)
Volume 22 (2022)
Volume 21 (2021)
Volume 20 (2020)
Volume 19 (2019)
Volume 18 (2018)
Volume 17 (2017)
Volume 16 (2016)
Volume 15 (2015)
Volume 14 (2014)
Volume 13 (2013)
Volume 12 (2012)
Volume 11 (2011)
Volume 10 (2010)
A Critique on the Book Methodology of Political Science

Mohammad Shojaeian; Sajad Rostamipoor

Volume 23, Issue 1 , May 2023, , Pages 127-147


  Methodology of Political Science aims to collect, classify, describe and analyze research methods in political science. Dr. Haghighat's book entitled Methodology of Political Science has tried to review and critique most of the existing methodologies in the field of political science. The chapters of ...  Read More

Management and Policy Making
Methodology as a Model of Method Analysis: A Review and Critique on the Book Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social and Behavioral Sciences Research

Elham Ebrahimi

Volume 23, Issue 1 , May 2023, , Pages 291-310


  Familiarity with research methodology is a requirement for any research project. What is seen in most works of writing or translating is a mere focus on teaching one or more research methods. The Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social and Behavioral Sciences Research has a different approach and has been ...  Read More

The Analysis of the Relation between Social Refining and Social Human A Critical Review on the Book “Social Human”

Sayyed Hossein Hosseini

Volume 22, Issue 8 , October 2022, , Pages 21-39


  The main question of this study is to determine the conceptual relation between "social refining (Tahzibe ejtemaie)" with "social human" to address one of the most important challenges of today's society on how human interaction in complicated and new social relations. Therefore, after introducing the ...  Read More

A Critique on the Book Methodology of Islamic Economics; An Institutional Reality Approach

Ali Saeedi

Volume 22, Issue 5 , July 2022, , Pages 55-79


  Methodology of Islamic Economics is a textbook for MA and PhD students of Islamic economics. Using the concept of institution, the author has tried to make a connection between the Shari'a rules, as matters of conventionals, and economic realities and concludes that differences of conventionals in Islamic ...  Read More

Arabic Language and Literature
A Critical Review on the Book Concise of the Approach to Scientific Research on Education and Anthropology

Abdolrazagh Rahmani

Volume 22, Issue 3 , June 2022, , Pages 103-124


  The research method is one of the fundamental courses that has been grown well in recent decades and has been well received; but unfortunately, despite the emphasis today on the research method and its proper application in various fields of science, we are witnessing less attention to this issue and ...  Read More

A Critique on the Book Philosophy of Social Sciences

Mohammad Shojaeian; Mohammad Reza Taheri

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, , Pages 153-170


  The book Philosophy of Social Sciences by Michael Root mainly supports a perfectionist approach to the social sciences. In the sense that he believes that social scientists should try to present a conception of the good that is common among research actors. Feminist approaches to the social sciences ...  Read More

A Critique on the Book Key Concepts in Eastern Philosophy

Hasan Ahmadizade

Volume 21, Issue 11 , February 2022, , Pages 1-18


  Today many of orientalists think that philosophy in the eastern cultures has authenticity and the eastern concepts in philosophy and humanities are rooted in this culture. This attitude led them to investigate critically the eastern concepts in philosophy. They also tried to compare them to western philosophical ...  Read More

A Critical Review on the Book Peripatetic Philosophy (1) (from Aristotle to Thomas Aquinas)

Hossein Hooshangi

Volume 21, Issue 11 , February 2022, , Pages 313-329


  The book Peripatetic philosophy (1) (from Aristotle to Thomas Aquinas) is an introductory work for undergraduates in philosophy. The prominent merit of this work is taking into consideration of this important philosophical school. The main Advantage of this book is regarding two big philosophical domains: ...  Read More

Persian Language and Literature
Methodology and Ethics of Citation A Critique on the Book Abd-ol-Hoseyn Zarinkoub’s Lectures of Literary Criticism

Alireza Mohammadi Kalesar

Volume 21, Issue 9 , November 2021, , Pages 407-427


  Methodology of literary research in the subject of citation is in relation to research ethics. In other words, the methodological mistakes can be followed by the moral ones. This paper, in this regard, critics the book Abd–ol-Hoseyn Zarinkoub’s Lectures of Literary Criticism by Ahmad Khatami. ...  Read More

The Untold Stories of Methodology: Reflections on Urban Planning Methodology through a Review on Routledge Handbook of Planning Research Methods

Faraz Tahmasbi; Morteza Hadi Jaberi Moghaddam

Volume 21, Issue 7 , October 2021, , Pages 191-216


  This article is a review of the Routledge Handbook of Planning Research Methods. The review attempts to summarize the content of the book and to show how understanding the methodology affects the work of academics and professionals. Among other methodology books, The Routledge Handbook is a genuine reference ...  Read More

A Critique on the Book Methodology of Islamic Humanities

Mohmmad Reza Qaemi Nik

Volume 21, Issue 7 , October 2021, , Pages 267-293


  Methodology of Islamic Humanities from Ahmad Hossein Sharifi who is a faculty member of Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute, is the second book in his trilogy on Islamic humanities (Foundation of Islamic humanities and Islamic theorizing in humanities). In this book, in the first three chapters ...  Read More

The Phenomenological Methodology of Art: According to Dufrenne’s and Heidegger’s Thoughts

Shamsalmolok Mostafavi

Volume 21, Issue 7 , October 2021, , Pages 337-360


  As the founder of phenomenology, Husserl himself did not use phenomenology to analyze art and works of art. Except for a few hints in Encyclopedia Britannica's article, he did not write anything in this area. However, he paved the way for the phenomenology of art and led many post-Husserlian phenomenologists ...  Read More

A Critique of the Methodology on the Book The Human Body in Islamic Art Past Heritage and Post-Islamic Developments

Alireza Taheri; Batool Maazallahi

Volume 21, Issue 5 , August 2021, , Pages 149-167


  While the study of Islamic art is not very rich in the study of the human image, Eva Beer’s book "The Human Body in the Islamic Art of the Past Heritage and Post-Islamic Developments" is one of the only books in this field. In this book, the author examines the human image in the art of Arabs, ...  Read More

Representation of Money in Visual Advertising Visual Discourse Analysis of Mellat Bank Advertising Campaign

Maryam Kahvand

Volume 21, Issue 5 , August 2021, , Pages 305-326


  With the development of visual communication in the present age, the analysis and reading of visual texts in order to decipher the meanings and express their meanings is of particular importance. Critical discourse analysis, as one of the approaches that considers both the context of the text and the ...  Read More

political science
Understanding Methodological Visions of Political Science

Aliashraf Nazari

Volume 20, Issue 9 , November 2020, , Pages 373-393


  The manner of reading and interpreting historical texts is one of the central pillars of the methodology and history of thought. The main question in this field is how to study and understand the concepts and meanings of the thinkers in the study of the history of thought? Quentin Skinner is one of the ...  Read More

Philosophical Anthropology: An Introduction to Dimensional Anthropology

Sayyed Hossein Hosseini

Volume 20, Issue 7 , September 2020, , Pages 69-93


  The present paper introduces and criticizes the book, entitled Philosophical Anthropology, authored by Hans Dierkes. In this book, the author has selected texts containing educational perspectives on the subject matter of the discussion, proposed mainly without any comprehensive analysis and deep systematization. ...  Read More

The Political Realities of Social Science Research with Focusing on the book of Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples

Parvin Ghasemi

Volume 20, Issue 7 , September 2020, , Pages 233-249


  The book of Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples was written in anti-colonial texts with orientations toward anthropology, research, and science. From anthropology to science and research was blamed by the writer because of using them by the colonial system. The author claims that ...  Read More

An Analytical Study of the Methodological Implications of the Concept of “Social Current”

Ali Ebrahim Pour

Volume 20, Issue 5 , August 2020, , Pages 1-32


   “Study of (Social) Currents (Currentology)” has been a new concept in recent decades in the Iranian intellectual, cultural, and political literature. Due to its influential and efficient literature, it has become popular. However, the lack of a scientific and methodological discipline ...  Read More

.A Critical Review of the Book Entitled Methodology of Religious Studies

Seyed Mohammad Reza Taghavi

Volume 20, Issue 5 , August 2020, , Pages 33-48


  The purpose of this study was to criticize the book “Methodology of Religious Studies (New Edition)”, written by Faramarz Gharamlaki in 2013. The book was evaluated from two dimensions of form and content. Formally, the book met most of the requirements and was evaluated favorably. In terms ...  Read More

A Critique of the Book The Methodology of Social Sciences

Hamidreza Khademi; Mohammadali Ramezani

Volume 20, Issue 5 , August 2020, , Pages 127-152


  Many texts have been published, in recent years, about the Islamization of science, and different scholars tried and still trying to demonstrate what Islamic science is and how it can be realized. Abdol Hossein Khosrow Panah is one of the prominent authors of this realm, who tries to reach Islamic science ...  Read More

An Evaluation of the Methodology Textbook of New Theories in Politics (Positivism and Post-Positivism)

Mojtaba Shariati

Volume 20, Issue 5 , August 2020, , Pages 175-198


  The variety of methodological studies in the field of politics, the emergence of post-positivism in the modern age, and the conflicts with positivism make clear the importance of criticizing this work. The importance of evaluating this book is also attributed to the fact that this textbook has been used ...  Read More

The Role of Economic Models and Its Challenges; A Methodological Review of Dani Rodrik’s Economics Rules

Seyed Hossein Mirjalili

Volume 20, Issue 5 , August 2020, , Pages 327-343


  Danny Rodrik’s “Economics Rules” is a book on the methodology of economics that addresses the do’s and don’ts of modeling in economics because, in his view, models make economics a science. Rodrik’s main point in this book is that different social environments require ...  Read More

Review of Firebrand’s Methodological Anarchism in Theory against Method: Designing the Anarchist Theory of Knowledge

Mohammad Nejadiran; Rozhan Hesam Ghazi

Volume 20, Issue 5 , August 2020, , Pages 371-395


  The dominance of positivism over the philosophy of science in the first years of the twentieth century, due to its wave of criticism by some philosophers of science in the second half of this century, was in crisis and collapse. The views of scientific philosophers such as Popper, Cohen, and Lakatos ...  Read More

Foreign Languages
How to Comment a Literary Text, Key Manual for Acquiring Literary Skills in the Spanish Studies at Iranian Universities

María de las Nieves Ibáñez Ibáñez

Volume 19, Issue 6 , September 2019, , Pages 129-148


  In this article the suitability, from a methodological point of view and due to its significant success, of using the book “How to comment a literary text”, by Fernando Lázaro Carreter and Evaristo Correa Calderón, as a basic manual for the acquisition of literary skills in ...  Read More

political science
Contrast in Methodological Approaches in Humanities and Alternative Model:Introduction and Critique of the Collection of Articles “A Pluralistic View of Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences”)

Nowruz Hashemzehi

Volume 19, Issue 7 , September 2019, , Pages 349-368


   The present paper analyzes and criticizes the collection of articles on the “Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: A pluralist Perspective” edited by Donatella Dellaporta and Michael Keating and translated by Mohammad Jafar Javidi and Majid Farham.  The author’s ...  Read More